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Run long, run smooth

Another day another step forward! As you may know, my background is aviation maintenance, and if there is something dear and important for me is mechanical accuracy and longevity. For a few years, I thought classes on motorcycle preventive maintenance and field maintenance, and one of the topics I always spent a lot of time on was oils! If you want your brakes to perform, your engine to run smoothly and the longevity of your parts to go over the deadline of your adventures, you need to trust your oils! I wish I had a penny for everytime I said that and I heard back "yeah, but an oil is just an oil!" well... tea and wine are also "just" tea and wine, however, they don't all taste the same now do they? Adjust your oils to your needs, to your expectations and don't cheap out on it. As you wouldn't like bad blood running through your veins, don't let bad oils run your engine, brakes or suspensions. As the bike continues to progress and the expedition takes a more mature shape, new sponsorships roll in, and this time, I'm extremely proud to announce MOTOREX - Oil of Switzerland as my lubricant technical partner!! Now Bia will run smooooooothly around the world.

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Zé comes from Portugal where from an early age he started walking in vineyards and getting a feel for the land. His first tours off road where all mountain biking and downhill, however only when motorcycles came into his life, did he felt the urge to ride the world.

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© 2016 by Tea2Wine

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Charlotte is an adventurous spirit that found that motorcycles and an around the world expedition where an exciting combination. She took her drivers license in September 2017 to depart on a 100.000kms expedition on a 200kg bike in March 2018. 


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