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Yamaha engine not starting - Error 30 and Error 41

It is not easy when your bike stops working, it is even worst when its something you can’t understand. Yamaha Error 30 and Error 41 are quite common, either when you fall down, or when the tilt sensor outlives its time and starts generating errors.

That sensor tells if the bike is upright or not, and shuts down the engine when it passes a certain threshold. The theory behind it is sound, but for those that use that use the XT660Z Tenere, or the XT660R off road, know that falling is part of the sport, and that means, the sensor keeps activating. That is beyond annoying!! Not only you have to deal with a fallen bike, you have to deal with a tinny sensor reminding you that you screwed up. That is definitely not for me, neither is something I want to get Charlotte through on a regular basis.

Solution? Eliminate the sensor. Sadly, that is not possible, however, it is possible to fool the system by telling it the bike is always upright.

So let me break it down for you step by step.

Error 30 (the bike went down) and or error 41 (tilt sensor error) will not allow the engine to run.

On some bikes, this error code is displayed directly on the bikes dashboard. On my bike, it is not, so I have to go into the bikes dIAG screen, find it and erase it. And how do we do that?

1 - Press SELECT and RESET and do not release

2 - Turn the key on

3 - After 8 seconds the display will show dIAG, you can now release the display and setup buttons

4 - Press SELECT and RESET again and do not release

5 - 2 seconds later, the diagnostic setup is activated - bellow I’ll link all the codes. You can now release SELECT and RESET

6 - Pushing SELECT or RESET, move until d61

7 - d61 will show you the error code. In this particular case, we are expecting to see error 30 or 41. If you are doing this preventively, and nothing is wrong with the bike, no error code should come up, and you should see 00

8 - Press the ON and OFF kill switch. The error should disappear and 00 should appear

9 - Pushing SELECT or RESET, move until d62

10 - d62 shows the number of error the bike has in memory. You should see 01, or if you are doing this preventively, 00 will show up

11 - Turn your key off

Now you have erased the error from the bike, however, we have not yet bypassed the system. If you had an error 30 and you did not wish to bypass the system, at this time you could start your bike and leave. In the case of error 41, it may or may not fix it. The sensor may really be damaged.

From my research, I found that the large majority of problems the sensor has, AKA damaged, is that the pendulum comes loose, creating false errors, and that, we can fix and we can bypass.

1 - Remove the sensor from the bike. It is located on the right side, between the engine and the airbag

2 - After you have disconnected the sensor from the wiring, take the front whitish lid off. It will have 3 pressure points

3 - With tweezers remove the rubber ring

4 - With tweezers, gently pull the plastic housing of the inside out. DO NOT pull by the board's connectors.

5 - Memorize the position, so you know how to insert the kit back together

6 - Assemble the kit (plastic housing + electric board + pendulum) and set it on a table. Make sure the pendulum sits perpendicular to the table, and not at an angle

7 - Using super glue for plastics, glue the pendulum against the plastic housing. Wait for it to dry

8 - Reassemble the sensor and install back on the bike.

If you want to verify you did a good job, you need to go back to the dIAG setup and to screen d08.

1 - Press SELECT and RESET and do not release

2 - Turn the key on

3 - After 8 seconds the display will show dIAG, you can now release the display and setup buttons

4 - Press SELECT and RESET again and do not release

5 - 2 seconds later, the diagnostic setup is activated - bellow I’ll link all the codes. You can now release SELECT and RESET

6 - Pushing SELECT or RESET, move until d08

Values between 0.4 to 1.4 the sensor say the bike is upright.

Values between 3.8 to 4.2 the sensor say the bike is horizontal, stopping the engine.

Before you glue your sensor, you can go to screen d08, take your bike off the side-stand and move it from side to side. You will see the values changing in real life. The same will happen if you hold the sensor in your hand while still connected to the bikes wiring.

If you glued the pendulum correctly, you can now move the sensor or the bike freely and the read will always be between 0.4 to 1.4, thus bush fixing the tilt sensor error.

This is something I did to my bike, but keep in mind this is a bush fix and not a brand endorsed fix to the problem. Do this at your own risk and recognition.


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Zé comes from Portugal where from an early age he started walking in vineyards and getting a feel for the land. His first tours off road where all mountain biking and downhill, however only when motorcycles came into his life, did he felt the urge to ride the world.

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Charlotte is an adventurous spirit that found that motorcycles and an around the world expedition where an exciting combination. She took her drivers license in September 2017 to depart on a 100.000kms expedition on a 200kg bike in March 2018. 


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